Growth and Divestment

Ready to take the leap? Let ProChange help you with Growth-focused tools, resources, and strategies.

Often times, companies need to strategically decide to close down their entities due to unforeseen factors. ProChange can also help you navigate the Divestment process.

Growth & Divestment – We can help with: investor readiness, budgeting support, fundraising support, alternative revenue generating strategies, closure of company in Kenya.

Don't let anything get in the way of your Growth

Whether you are preparing next big round of fundraising, acquiring a competitor, or applying for the largest grant you’ve ever applied to, ProChange has you covered. The best part? All of these services can be acquired at a price that fits your budget!

Client Spotlight

What our clients are saying about how we have helped them grow

Is your current finance team lacking the time or skills to take on Growth work? 

Let ProChange help you without breaking the bank.