Financial Supports and Consultations to Help You Scale Your Business

ProChange is true to its name. We facilitate, encourage and empower change. We provide affordable expert resources, tools, strategies, and much more to help you upscale your business financially. With us on your side, you don’t need any other top CFO in Nairobi in your organisation. 

Join an expert network of accounting, procurement, tax, and audit professionals.
The best finance, accounting, donor reporting, fundraising, and tax filing support for Nonprofits in Africa.

Why is Financial Clarity Crucial?

All kinds of growths and business expansion require a solid grasp over the financial nitty-gritty. Whether investor-funded or bootstrapped, a solid financial knowledge is the indispensable step towards growth. 

90% of startups stumble due to a poor grasp of financial know-how

The surefire reason for this kind of failure is none other than an extremely poor grasp of the financial situation. However, you won’t have to be one of them. ProChange will work with you as your financial assistant and consultant to support you throughout the thick and thin of your growth cycle.

Talk to a Financial Expert Today

Get The Right Kind of Support For Your Business Requirements

Like the top CFO in Nairobi, we turn every stone to match you with the right consultants and solutions. Moreover, we have a wide array of solutions and consultancy packages to meet your budgets and requirements. Depending on the size of your business, we have a package that fits your needs.

Explore How We Can Help You - Here’s how you can benefit from our services

We let you connect with expert consultants, top CFOs and we build strategic tools for you which can facilitate your business growth, help you make prudent financial decisions and as well as present you with a clear picture of your finances.

1. Accounting

Leveraging our experience and expertise, we can help structure and maintain your monthly bookkeeping. This way you can track every bit of your cash flow better. We will also send you timely account reports in your inbox on a monthly basis. So, all our steps aim to de-clutter and streamline your financial operation.

2. Compliance

Financing also comes with a wide array of compliance necessities. And like the top CFO, we can take care of all your compliance needs, including: Monthly Statutory Tax, VAT, and Annual Corporate Tax Filings. This way, all these compliance hurdles will be out of your way and you can invest your precious time and effort on other important aspects of your business.

3. Fortifying your infrastructure

Do you feel your infrastructure needs improvement? We can help with our expert support. We can help you get all the assistance through digitisation, process gap analysis and preparing real-time financial reports so that you can easily make decisions on the go.

4. The Factors of Growth & Divestment

Once your business shows promises, the investors will also be ready to donate or invest in your business. Once you have a clear vision of your finances and a clear understanding of your overall budget allocation, you can become an irrefutable choice for all investors and donors.

Businesses We Support and Assist

Tailored financial assistance at every step of your growth cycle

Every business and every organisationhas their unique mode of conducting themselves. So, in the case of financial assistance, there is no one approach that fits all. However, it is possible to broadly categorise the approaches depending on the business types. Below, we have discussed a few business types that can significantly benefit from our services.

1. Startups

Quite a few startups fail due to a substantial lack of financial knowledge or due to the lack of guidance from the top CFO in Nairobi. But you won't have to end up in failure. On the other hand, our consultants can help you with thorough bookkeeping, tax and audit services so that you can focus your attention on more serious matters like product quality and customer retention.

2. Non-profit organisation

Even non-profit organisations and social enterprises need a permanent network of donors and investors. Therefore, you might need to keep up with strict reporting requirements. Don't worry. We are going to take care of your 360-degree financial reporting process. Additionally, we also provide proposal finance and budgeting services to ensure your proposal stands out during the application review process.


The process which might work well for a Startup, might fail to drive results as a SME. This is where once again our organisation can play the role of the top CFO in Nairobi. Our consultants can not only help implement processes that work for your organisation, but also we can train and organise workshops for staff members. In a nutshell, we can help them gain better financial oversight. Take Your Business to the Next Level